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Fund for Mike Flynn's Family

Doação protegida
The true measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience or contentment in his life, but rather, where he stands at times of challenge. He’ll risk his position, his reputation, and even his life if called upon, for the happiness of his family.

Somewhere in between making school lunches, ball games, sledding at Carl Thomas, father daughter dances, weekend warrior projects, date nights, pickups, drop offs, boo boos, bike riding, hugs, birthday parties, swim meets, recitals, puppies, nerf gun fights, tickles, tears, fireworks and fun runs… Mike Flynn became the greatest of men. He might have been short in stature but he was a giant to all that knew him simply because of the way he truly loved his wife, his children, his parents Paul & Laura, brother Sean, sister Julie, the Noones, Gina Censullo his friend & mother to Colin, the Perry clan and countless lifelong friends.

Early Tuesday morning, December 8th, Mike unexpectedly passed away at home. He had been sick with the COVID virus and, although a fit and strong 43-year-old man, his heart stopped beating. The beloved husband to Jessica and father to Colin, Dylan & Alexa, took his last breath.

Although Mike’s family is not asking for support, the call to create this page from members within the community was incredible. The hope for this Fund is to turn tragedy into generosity and to send Mike to rest knowing that his family will receive some financial support to help them transition into the next phase of their lives. No amount is too small…

Rest easy Mike. Our wonderful friend, Thomson neighbor, faithful husband, loving Daddy, devoted son & brother.  We’ll miss you terribly but your hilarious spirit and kind heart will live on forever in the bodies and minds of those you loved so dearly.



  • Jennifer Afarian
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Ceili, Brooke, Kevin & Kate Brown
    • $200
    • 4 yrs
  • Carol & Bob Cipriani
    • $250
    • 4 yrs
  • Bates Family
    • $100
    • 4 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Kathleen Lyons Stagno
North Andover, MA
Jessica Erb

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