Fund the Fairway: Building Women's Wealth globally
Donation protected
For almost 300 years, men have been doing business on the golf course.
Correction: straight, white men have been doing business on the golf course.
Securing deals, discussing investments, building generational wealth.
Women — and particularly women of color — haven't been invited. And if they dared to show up, they certainly weren't included.
Until now.
Welcome to *our* Fairway.
An inclusive ecosystem unlocking women's access to human, social and financial capital.
In our first 18 months, completely bootstrapped and self-funded, we've been able to accomplish so much.
600 women. 20 dinners. 2 events. 6 markets.
We've created access to:
$8M+ increased wealth
30K+ curated connections
10K+ human capital hours
400+ un-gettable meetings
250+ job opportunities
And we're just getting started...together.
Though inclusive, intersectional and intimate Fairway Dinners, a Membership and an App, we recognize women's value and increase their valuation.
This isn't networking.
This is net*worth*ing.
If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with hyping women.
If you don’t know me, you probably still know this to be true.
It’s why I created the Hype Women Movement.
And we will bring the power of our Hype Women Movement to all the women who deserve it. (Mean girls are *not* invited.)
So, don't go fund him.
(*He* receives 98% of VC funding. We get jack sh*t. Or is it "Jane" sh*t in this situation?)
Go. Fund. ME.
And in turn, I will keep hyping every deserving woman — sharing my human, social and financial capital — from now until forever.
Your investment will help to Fund the Fairway in new markets: growing our movement, reaping the rewards for women of what they've sown: work and success that has been hard-earned, fearlessly fought, deeply-deserved.
Your contributions will not be made in silence (doing things quietly has never been my strong suit).
I will recognize every person who contributes in a very special way.
You’ll see.
And when you fund ME, I will GoFundHer...and her...and her...and her...
On and on and on and on…from now until forever.
Because when women have more money, everybody wins.
Thank you for marking this moment with me. We are just beginning.
(NOTE: What started out as a fundraiser on my 42nd birthday (March 25, 2024) to raise $42K in 24H has become the evergreen seed fund to Build Wealth for Women Globally. Join us and Fund the Fairway today.)

Erin Gallagher
Chicago, IL