Funding for Youth on the Air Camp 2020
Tax deductible
THANK YOU to everyone who donated. This fund raising campaign has ENDED. Look for a campaign to fund the 2022 YOTA Camp soon! You can also donate via PayPal.
The Youth on the Air (YOTA) committee has spent the last several months proposing a camp to be held in the summer of 2020 for and by young amateur radio operators. The camp is based largely on the wildly successful YOTA camps in IARU region 1 (https://www.ham-yota.com/ ).
After the gracious donations from our major sponsors, the camp is now no longer just a proposal! But, the remaining funding for the camp will come from clubs and individuals like YOU. Can you help?
Our goal is to serve already licensed hams to enrich their amateur radio experience, add to and refine their skills, and to provide mentoring possibilities.
$5000 is needed to complete the funding of our $54,000+ budget for 20 campers to attend, plus staff. Should we exceed that goal, we will be able to add more spots for campers to attend. We need at least $11,000 (total) to raise the number of campers from the current 20 campers to the maximum, which is 30 campers. Any funds that are not used for this year will be used to fund future camps.
The camp is being hosted by the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting and the West Chester Amateur Radio Association of West Chester Twp., Ohio (on the north side of metro Cincinnati). The camp is being operated by Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc. (EARS), a 501c3 recognized charitable organization based in Indiana. Donations may be tax deductible - check with your tax professional.
The camp will focus on building strong relationships with peers and mentors and developing new radio skills. Some of the activities planned include workshops and hands-on activities, such as:
· Contesting - Learn how to operate from some of the top young contesters in the country, participate in an FM contest at an amusement park, and ways to practice with regional contests
· Digital VHF/UHF Modes - D-STAR: Get a D-STAR radio to use for the week plus insight into how it works - APRS: Learn how to track stations and gather data using APRS
· Kit building - Learn from world renowned builders by making your own receiver
· Direction finding and orienteering - Learn how to track down signals
· Antenna building - Learn how to make antennas from common household items
· Satellite operations - Learn how to chase the birds with some of the best youth satellite operators
· ...and more!
Campers will operate a special event station, W8Y , featuring cutting-edge HF and VHF/UHF radios that many only dream of having a chance to use and a wide array of antennas.
Who: Youth with a current amateur radio license ages 15-25* who are residents of IARU Region 2 (North, Central, and South America)
* applicants within 1-2 years of the age range will be considered upon recommendation
20 campers, expanding up to 30 if sufficient resources and applicants are available
5-6 full week staff members (1:5 ratio of adults to campers or lower) with background checks
2-3 parent volunteers with background checks
Several daily volunteers for logistics from area amateur radio clubs
What: A week long camp for young hams to meet other young hams, participate in unique experiences with radio related technologies that may not otherwise be viable, and build relationships with mentors and peers.
When: June 21-26, 2020
Visit our web site, yotaregion2.org for more information. You can also learn more from our social media sites on Facebook , Twitter (@YOTAregion2), Instagram (@YOTAregion2), and YouTube.
Thanks to our major sponsors:
ICOM America
Heil Sound
R&L Electronics
Yasme Foundation
World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF)
Orlando Hamcation and Orlando Amateur Radio Club (OARC)
Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF)
Dayton Hamvention and Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA)
Huntsville Hamfest
ARRL Foundation
Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA)
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
Gary West, K8DEV & Dee Dee West, KA8DXE
The Youth on the Air (YOTA) committee has spent the last several months proposing a camp to be held in the summer of 2020 for and by young amateur radio operators. The camp is based largely on the wildly successful YOTA camps in IARU region 1 (https://www.ham-yota.com/ ).
After the gracious donations from our major sponsors, the camp is now no longer just a proposal! But, the remaining funding for the camp will come from clubs and individuals like YOU. Can you help?
Our goal is to serve already licensed hams to enrich their amateur radio experience, add to and refine their skills, and to provide mentoring possibilities.
$5000 is needed to complete the funding of our $54,000+ budget for 20 campers to attend, plus staff. Should we exceed that goal, we will be able to add more spots for campers to attend. We need at least $11,000 (total) to raise the number of campers from the current 20 campers to the maximum, which is 30 campers. Any funds that are not used for this year will be used to fund future camps.
The camp is being hosted by the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting and the West Chester Amateur Radio Association of West Chester Twp., Ohio (on the north side of metro Cincinnati). The camp is being operated by Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc. (EARS), a 501c3 recognized charitable organization based in Indiana. Donations may be tax deductible - check with your tax professional.
The camp will focus on building strong relationships with peers and mentors and developing new radio skills. Some of the activities planned include workshops and hands-on activities, such as:
· Contesting - Learn how to operate from some of the top young contesters in the country, participate in an FM contest at an amusement park, and ways to practice with regional contests
· Digital VHF/UHF Modes - D-STAR: Get a D-STAR radio to use for the week plus insight into how it works - APRS: Learn how to track stations and gather data using APRS
· Kit building - Learn from world renowned builders by making your own receiver
· Direction finding and orienteering - Learn how to track down signals
· Antenna building - Learn how to make antennas from common household items
· Satellite operations - Learn how to chase the birds with some of the best youth satellite operators
· ...and more!
Campers will operate a special event station, W8Y , featuring cutting-edge HF and VHF/UHF radios that many only dream of having a chance to use and a wide array of antennas.
Who: Youth with a current amateur radio license ages 15-25* who are residents of IARU Region 2 (North, Central, and South America)
* applicants within 1-2 years of the age range will be considered upon recommendation
20 campers, expanding up to 30 if sufficient resources and applicants are available
5-6 full week staff members (1:5 ratio of adults to campers or lower) with background checks
2-3 parent volunteers with background checks
Several daily volunteers for logistics from area amateur radio clubs
What: A week long camp for young hams to meet other young hams, participate in unique experiences with radio related technologies that may not otherwise be viable, and build relationships with mentors and peers.
When: June 21-26, 2020
Visit our web site, yotaregion2.org for more information. You can also learn more from our social media sites on Facebook , Twitter (@YOTAregion2), Instagram (@YOTAregion2), and YouTube.
Thanks to our major sponsors:
ICOM America
Heil Sound
R&L Electronics
Yasme Foundation
World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF)
Orlando Hamcation and Orlando Amateur Radio Club (OARC)
Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF)
Dayton Hamvention and Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA)
Huntsville Hamfest
ARRL Foundation
Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA)
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
Gary West, K8DEV & Dee Dee West, KA8DXE
Neil Rapp
Bloomington, IN
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.