Hiding In Plain Sight EDS Documentary Fundraiser
Donation protected
Hello. I'm Jen Kain the film director of Hiding in Plain Sight: A Spoonie's Journey
Check out the website for more information
Story of the Doc:
Interviews from people who have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and experts in the field of invisible illness.
The story focuses on how people live with an invisible illness and the ways they cope.
The interviews from people all over the world.
Places ideally to travel to for the documentary:
Experts in the field:
Medical Researchers
Mental Health Counselors
People who have EDS
Creative Artists
Social Influencers
People on Disability
What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?
There's no known cure for the invisible illness, but through your support of the documentary, more people will put a name to a face and a story to open more doors for research and awareness.
Production Costs
DSLR Camera Kit $1500
Plane Tickets for travel $3500
Production Crew Costs $5000
Post Production Costs $10000
Production Film Crew Costs:
Collaborating with other filmmakers would be an incredible way to support independent artists who make a living freelancing. Costs are not cheap and for a small production. Key crew needed are film editor, motion graphics artist and another cinematographer to shoot with on set.
About Jen Kain - Film Director
Jen Kain has been making movies for the last decade. Whether it's for a client on a high end movie in Hollywood or helping out the small business and showcasing their work. When she's not making movies she's teaching high school students film and photography and running an online magazine The Articles of Antiquity Online Art Magazine
You can check out more of her work here: Jen Kain Portfolio
Jennifer Kain
Glendale, AZ