Fancy Cats & Dogs Rescue Team's main 2019 goal is to purchase a spay/neuter van. We hope to aid shelters in the outer-lying areas of Virginia that have high euthanasia rates (over 20%). One of the major obstacles these areas face is the lack of veterinary resources. The van would travel to these areas twice a week or more and sterilize cats that rescues, citizens, and shelters bring in. We estimate being able to sterilize between 30-50 cats per visit. Even if we hit the lower number, that is over 3,000 cat sterilizations per year, with the hopes of moving some on to Virginia rescues. We have a vet and technician already on board and would like to start ASAP. Last year the Virginia Department of Agriculture estimated that 56 % of dogs and 71% of cats that enter area animal shelters were euthanized. Thank you for your generosity, together we can make a difference.