Help Support DCI's SunChild Home for Girls
Tax deductible
Hello! My name is Rithika Praturu, and I am a volunteer intern at Distressed Children and Infants International, also known as DCI. Since hearing about DCI’s mission to support children, I have been dedicated to the mission of this non-profit organization and helping it grow. DCI has been working tirelessly to support impoverished children and give them the opportunities needed to be successful in this world.
Because of DCI’s efforts, children who were in danger of dropping out of school to support families are now getting the education they deserve. Many have been taken off the streets and given a chance at a better life. Unfortunately, there are many more children that need our support, especially because of the major economic disruption caused by the pandemic.
The last two years have caused countless more difficulties for the young children we are trying to save, and it is critical we work to give them the future they deserve.
Please help me reach my goal of raising $3000 by the end of 2021 to support the children and their dreams. The funds we raise will be used to provide education support for the girls of DCI orphanage giving them access to higher education and to the opportunities many of us have.
Every dollar donated will help countless children, so please donate what you can and spread the word. Please also consider sponsoring a child through DCI for $15/month to help ensure that the child you choose can go to school and is provided with many necessities. With the COVID-19 economic disruption that exists today, we need your help more than ever.
Thank you in advance for supporting my mission, strengthening my network to help the underprivileged children in Bangladesh and for your contribution to my cause. Together we can make the world a better place!
More information about DCI:
Distressed Children and Infants International, is a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating poverty and child labor through education and healthcare. During this global crisis, our main priority is to support the 50 orphans at the SunChild Orphanage, the 1500 children under their sponsorship program, and the 10,000 children and families from communities where DCI serves in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Nicaragua.
DCI is actively and desperately seeking funding for its continued operation, and its support starts with you.
What you can give:
$10 gives hygiene supplies to a child in Bangladesh
$15 supports an orphan's meals, necessities, and healthcare for one month
$30 provides a family of four with food and supplies for one month
$50 gives one week of health support to slum residents
$200 gives maternal healthcare in Bangladesh
$350 provides a week of meals at Sun Child Home Orphanage
Any amount of your choice to support DCIs programs for helping underprivileged children
Visit distressedchildren.org to make other donations or the learn about how you can be involved.
Rithika Praturu
Nashua, NH
Distressed Children International (DCI) Inc.