Fundraiser for South Park Skatepark Improvements
We're teaming up with the community to raise funds for additions and remodels at River City Skate Park. The park is located in the heart of the South Park neighborhood in Seattle. With its unique design and features River City is a staple to the local Skate and Bmx scene, however, the park was never finished and the city is leaving it up to the community to make improvements! These new additions include extending the skate park to the borders of the property, adding seating and BBQ areas, and making it more accommodating, safe, and easily accessible to the local youth and neighboring communities.
Donations of $50 or more will receive a River City Skatepark shirt designed by our friend Jeret Coe Chiri at Awner Collective! Please leave your shirt size, color choice (White w/ Sonics color print, or Black w/ grey print), and email address in the comments, and we will contact you once they are ready!
Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated, thanks for your consideration!