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Fundraiser to help Trisha Bat cancer patient.

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After 18 months of repeated trips to her GP with blood in her urine, abdominal pain and being "treated" for reoccurring UTIs, on 16/08/2023 Trisha attended A&E at airdale hospital.

On 17/08/2023 Trisha was diagnosed with aggressive stage 2 bladder cancer which has spread to nearby lymph nodes. All the specialists have said they have never seen this in someone so young (shes 25).  This was totally unexpected and has turned our lives upside down. 

On the 08/09/2023 Trisha had an appointment with a surgeon at St Lukes to discuss the possibility of removing her bladder, due to the cancer already being in her lymph nodes the surgeon was not prepared to go ahead as he believed such major surgery would agitate the cancer increasing the risk of it spreading to other organs.  

On 13/09/2023 Trisha attended an appointment with an oncologist at Airedale hospital to discuss treatments.  After multiple team meetings they had decided the best option was for her to start chemotherapy in hopes that they could shrink the tumours in her lymph nodes in order to make surgery a viable option.  Chemotherapy started 20/09/2023 in approximately 8 weeks she will have another scan to determine if surgery can go ahead.

Mine and Trishas relationship started out as really good friends, supporting each other with every day life challenges.  After a year of spending nearly every day together we realised it had grown into something much stronger than friendship, we are soul mates. 

On 18/05/2023 we officially became a couple, realising we had essentially being a couple for several months already.  The bond we have is beyond anything either of us has ever felt before and as such in July we started discussing getting engaged to be married.  

On 07/08/2023 I ordered an engagement ring with the intention of planning a big surprise party for September where I would ask Trisha to marry me.  Obviously this plan was no longer an option.

I am a single parent to my 8 year old autistic son, who once every 2 weeks stays away so I can have respite.  So on the 01/09/2023 my mum paid for me and Trisha to goto the cinema (a night for just us), we went for a meal first and when we returned home I asked her and she said yes.

Given the circumstances the plans we once had are no longer suitable (a year long engagement, allowing us to save up for the wedding and honeymoon).  We are now hoping to get married before January 2024 as we do not know which direction things will turn, if surgery goes ahead Trisha will be in recovery for 3 months, if surgery can't go ahead the situation is much more grave.

In case the worst happens, I asked Trisha to write a bucket list and I almost cried when she gave it to me, only 5 wishes.  This is the type of person she is, she never expects anything of anyone and doesn't have many wishes, at the same time she would bend time and space to help anyone who needs it.

Her bucket list is:

Go on a long weekend to Whitby 
To see Joan Jett live
To go to Disneyland for our honeymoon 
To go to a zoo
To be taken for a ride on a Harley Davidson

I am starting this fundraiser in the hopes that people would be kind enough to help make these wishes a reality.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this.  I will keep everyone updated on her illness and treatment progress.

Alex M

Me and Trisha 

My sons Birthday 

Trisha and my son



  • Anonym
    • £50
    • 4 mos
  • Michael Phelan
    • £10
    • 4 mos
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    • £10
    • 4 mos
  • Matthew Gibbon
    • £5
    • 5 mos
  • Anonym
    • £5
    • 6 mos


Alex Moran

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