Fundraising for APO Community Activity Centre
Hello everyone, peace be upon you all brothers and sisters, we at Australian Peace Organisation are looking to raise a community activity centre for all in the Northern suburbs. This community centre will have multiple programs and spaces, including:
- Activities for seniors
- Programs during school holidays
- Dedicated praying area
- Taraweeh during Ramadan
- Gym with women's section
- Support services for domestic violence victims
- Student help and guidance
Our goal Insha Allah is to raise at least $100,000 before the end of February so that the facility can be settled and ready to go. For more information, please find our contact details on our website, since contact information can't be published on the GoFundMe page.
May Allah reward those who have contributed, even in the smallest form, and make you one of those that are beloved in this world and in the next. Even the smallest dollar will help benefit not only the community for years to come in the future, but will also benefit you in the eyes of Allah Insha Allah.
Kindest regards,
Rubina Shahid.
Rubina Shahid
Melbourne, VIC