Fundraising for Saint Innocent Orthodox Church
Tax deductible
St. Innocent Orthodox Church is located in Carol Stream, IL. We are a small parish and to provide our parishioners with a true Orthodox religious home, we need to make upgrades and maintain our property. We are currently looking for help in funding two projects:
Altar Servers’ Vestments- these are essential for our religious services and need to be tailored in several colors for each of our Servers. In the Orthodox Church tradition, specific colors are to be worn for certain Holidays and fasting periods throughout the year. We anticipate the cost of these Vestments to be at least $4000.
Repaving of the Parking Lot- this was a major expense and just completed in the beginning of November! It was the complete demolition and repaving of our parking lot, which we had not been able to afford during the past 20 years. The cost of this project was over $20,000.
All donations will be greatly appreciated. Please visit our website at www.saintinnocent.net for more information about our parish. Please visit our website for the best times to visit us in person at 1N075 N. Woods Ave., Carol Stream, IL 60188
George Pawlukowsky
Arlington Heights, IL
St Innocent Of Moscow Church