Help children in Bangladesh lacking basic necessities
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Hi, my name is Safir Khandaker, and I am a youth leader at Distressed Children International, or DCI. Although I was born in Maryland, I lived in Bangladesh for half of my life. I’ve witnessed firsthand the poverty that plagues many villages in Bangladesh. Many orphans exist in these villages who aren’t able to buy basic necessities. I’ve always felt I should find a way to help them, but I never knew how.
After finding DCI, I immediately knew I wanted to help. DCI’s mission is to create a future where “all children have a chance at a dignified and successful life.” I read the story behind DCI founder Dr. Hoque and how he created a volunteer group that supported families as a teenager. It inspired me.
Bangladesh has an estimated 4–5 million orphans, many of whom lack access to basic needs. My goal is to raise money to ensure these orphans receive necessities in order to live a healthy life. I have a strong heartfelt desire to help these children. I would very much appreciate any donation towards DCI’s mission of helping children escape poverty. Visit https://distressedchildren.org/ in order to learn more about the organization’s mission and vision. Thank you in advance for your contribution to my goal of helping orphans in Bangladesh receive basic needs!
Safir Khandaker
Westbury, NY
Distressed Children International (DCI) Inc.