Funds For A Paragolfer
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Tony Brouder; I am fundraising for a Paragolfer which is a golf machine for wheelchair users. I am a Paraplegic which means I am a fulltime wheelchair user. I became a paraplegic in 2008 following an operation so as you can imagine my whole life was turned upside down. I had to learn to live in a completely different way. I started looking at other ways to exercise and socialise, and golf seemed the perfect answer, so I started researching disabled golf and the Paragolfer golf machine (which is now called a Paramotion) was perfect for me. The only stumbling block was the price which as with all disabled equipment is very expensive but a local businessman came to my aid and arranged the finance anonymously for me. As with everything it has a life span and unfortunately it has come to its end. Now I am trying to raise funds if anyone can help me to purchase an ex-demo model that has come up for sale. Golf is my only outlet from home, I go golfing on a Thursday and a Sunday, and apart from the exercise it's about the social side of things which plays a massive part of things. I haven't been able to go golfing for the past month, and I know this might not sound very long to most people, but I haven't had any face-to-face conversations with anyone since I was last at the golf course apart from family members. The exercise side is also essential for upper body movement and for putting me in the standing position so I can get better blood flow to my legs which is very important for paraplegics. I also use it for doing jobs around the house such as strimming the grass washing the windows, power washing the yard etc...
If you would like to make a donation you can click on the link
Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated, thank you
Tony Brouder
County Limerick