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Help June (Pixie) and kids resettle in hiding

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Pixie Africa/June Stokes has suffered serious abuse within the cult known as the MOVE Organization. On Friday, July 2nd, Pixie publicly spoke out against the group and with her 5 children, went into hiding. This GoFundMe is to provide funding for basic life needs while Pixie and her children are in hiding for their own safety.

During their first two weeks in hiding, their expenses were especially high as they had to be in short-term housing without using any of Pixie's accounts to completely protect their location. They are in more stable housing (for now) but still need community support to meet their needs. Pixie is currently caring for 5 kids while going through one of the greatest traumas of their lives. She is reliving what she endured within the MOVE cult as she tells her story and others learn it while prioritizing being a mother to her children. They need community funds to help cover food, entertainment for the kids, clothing, household needs, gas, mental health therapy, and more as they navigate this crisis. Help them through this time as they set up lives independent of MOVE for the first time ever.

To learn more:

The Leaving MOVE Blog

The Murder at Ryan's Run Podcast



  • Anonym
    • 161 $
    • 6 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 50 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Maine Robbins
    • 50 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Mattie Boyd
    • 40 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Ted Passon
    • 100 $
    • 3 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

June Stokes
Philadelphia, PA
June Harrison

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