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Funeral arrangements for Crystal Reinhardt

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On Tuesday, March 1st 2022, Weiss Memorial Hospital called to inform our family that my baby sister Crystal Reinhardt had a seizure and went into cardiac arrest at the young age of 36. After transferring to another hospital, Crystal's medical team informed our family that she had suffered far too long without oxygen before being revived by the paramedics. The loss of oxygen has left Crystal with a 99% brain loss. Crystal is currently on life support, and the prognosis is not in her favor. Crystal leaves behind a beautiful 14-year old daughter, a 10-year old niece, her Irish Twin Bub, her Mother and Father, a loving family and many friends that adore her.
We are asking for donations to cover the medical costs. Unfortunately, we are also creating this Go Fund Me to cover the costs of a funeral for Crystal and a burial plot at an Orthodox Monastery.
Anything would help during this time of tragedy. All proceeds will go directly to Crystal's Mother Diane Reinhardt to continue making further arrangements. Anything remaining will go into a savings account for her daughter.
We appreciate you taking the time to read this and donate.
May God Be With Us All
The Govas/Reinhardt Family


  • James Gerber
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Judith Garcia
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • David J Carlson
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Merle Zajac
    • $20
    • 3 yrs


Justin Reinhardt
Waukegan, IL

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