Funeral Arrangements for Frank Holloway Sr.
Donation protected
July 8th, 2022 we lost the LEGENDARY Frank Holloway Sr. To know Frank was to love him. His legacy impacted generations of young people and athletes. After an incredible career in basketball and football, Frank combined his passion for sports and his passion for helping others as a coach at the youth and high school levels in the area.
His greatest impact, however, was at home with his own family. He is survived by his two children, Frank Holloway Jr. and Frankey Holloway and his two beautiful grandsons Frank Holloway III and Cassius Saint Holloway. Frank was a pillar in his community, as a hall of fame athlete, a dedicated coach and an inspirational mentor.
Please consider donating to help his family honor his final wishes and celebration of life by contributing to this go fund me. All proceeds will be directly used in the funeral arrangements and would be greatly appreciated given the circumstances.
Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to help the legendary Frank Holloway Sr. and the legacy he left behind.
His greatest impact, however, was at home with his own family. He is survived by his two children, Frank Holloway Jr. and Frankey Holloway and his two beautiful grandsons Frank Holloway III and Cassius Saint Holloway. Frank was a pillar in his community, as a hall of fame athlete, a dedicated coach and an inspirational mentor.
Please consider donating to help his family honor his final wishes and celebration of life by contributing to this go fund me. All proceeds will be directly used in the funeral arrangements and would be greatly appreciated given the circumstances.
Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to help the legendary Frank Holloway Sr. and the legacy he left behind.
Frank Holloway Jr.
Alexandria, VA