Funeral costs for Michael Anthony Ruiz Jr
This past weekend one of my dearest Sisters In Christ Samantha served at a Women’s ACTS retreat in which her beautiful mother Linda was in attendance. They both ended retreat on fire for our Lord and yet they had no idea just what news would be delivered to them at the end of retreat. Samantha’s husband had to arrange for a State Trooper to meet them both at the of retreat to inform them that Michael had passed away the night before on 02/29/2020 in a car accident. This news, as you can imagine was devastating. The pain I felt for someone I have never met through these women is unexplainable, so the pain they are feeling just breaks my heart, especially after such an amazing weekend they spent with our Lord. Do to the unexpectedness of it all, they are in need of financial help to bury the only son/brother to these beautiful women. Please, this is a call out to all our Sisters and Brothers in Christ, church community, family and friends and anyone else who would like to donate, so funeral arrangements can be made. I’m in contact with Samantha and will make her sole financial provider. Please also pray for the soul of Michael Anthony Ruiz Jr and all of his family members to get through this trying time and to not lose their faith in God and know he remains with them all.
Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.