Funeral expenses for Christine Ronk
Donation protected

As everyone who knows Christine knows, she had some medical issues. This summer wasn't a very good summer for her. We also know she was moving up to North Carolina to be with my family and I. She was finally going to start her new life.
On Friday 8-23-19 she made the long trip up here from Holiday Fl.
On Saturday 8-24-19 she was able to attend our children's birthday party, she met new friends, and was making plans for her new life! She was so excited for this new chapter in her life.
Unfortunately on Monday 8-26-19 things didnt go as planned. I got a phone call from Theresa at 9:51 am saying my mother had no heart beat, that she was doing CPR, and the ambulance just got there. When I got home from work they were still doing CPR on my mom and she had no heart beat, and they were doing everything they could but she still had no heart beat! They worked on her for 45 minutes and they were able to get a strong heart beat, they then brought her to New Hanover Regional. They started her on a Protocol called a hypothermic therapy. What that is, is they cool her body down for 24 hrs so her brain has time to heal this process takes about 3 days to do. Initially when we first got to the hospital they didnt see any major brain problems! But they said it can take a little time to show up.
So on Tuesday 8-27-19 we went to the hospital, and the doctors said there was no brain activity at all and they advised us to think about removing the ventilator, but we as a family weren't done fighting! So we decided we will keep the original plan, and wait the 3 days. At this point we were praying for a Miracle!
So on Wednesday 8-28-19 she was starting to show some brain activity! She was moving around more she was feeling pain, she would open her eyes and stare off! So we all had more hope then we ever did!
Then on Thursday 8-29-19, it was different, all the doctors call us all in a meeting, and they told us she wasn't brain dead! We just didnt know if she would ever wake up, and the parts of her brain that made her Christine just weren't there. So they also recommend we remove life support, they said she would go extremely fast, and be in no pain, they also where talking about organ donation. She was a donor, so they wanted to start doing all Necessary test so see who's lifes she can save.
So on Friday 8-30-19 they called us and told us ALL her organs were failing. And that we needed to make the decision today, to start the donation process. So at 8pm on Friday 8-30-19 we took her off life support. She was still breathing on her own, it was just like she was sleeping right in front of us! After 1 hr of her breathing on her own they told us she was no longer able to donate anymore. Then after 3 hrs of her breathing on her own some family got hope again and wanted to start doing more Neurological testing to see maybe she came back to us! But her oxygen levels were anywhere between 30- 40% for 3 hrs. They said if anything her testing would be worse.
At 2:39am on Saturday 8-31-19, Christine passed away. She is finally with her Son Daniel! She is watching over us all, and we love her a great deal! Christine didn't want much when she passed but she did want to be cremated, and to be placed in the same urn with Daniel. So we are asking if any help anyone could give to help make her wishes come true. If any additional funds are raised above the cost of the immediate expenses it will be donated to animal charities as she would have wanted. Thank for reading all of this! I know its alot. God bless
Francis Ronk
Wilmington, NC