Funeral expenses for Ken “Gumball” Eves
It saddens me to have to even write this because anyone who knew Ken, Kenny, or Gumball as most of us knew him could tell you he was one of the sweetest, nicest, humble, and one of those people that would drop anything to help anyone in need at the drop of a dime.
Yesterday we lost this loving selfless creature without any notice. Ken like most of us had
demons he struggled with every day. Recently he slipped into old ways and unfortunately unbeknownst to those around him they snuck
back in and he lost his battle with addiction.
If you knew Ken you also knew Connie or
knew of Connie. Ken always referred to her ashis wife and rightfully so. Just as Kenny had
the back of anyone who needed him he alwayshad her back too. Connie needs the help of
Kens friends, family and acquaintances near
and far to lay this sweet soul to rest. Addictioncan do a lot things. It devastates people. It
devastates families over time and can take
good people from those who care about them way too quickly.
At this point I wanted to put this out there to
try and help take the strain off of Connie And his family as much as possible. If you are able
to donate anything towards sending Ken
home and helping out the one person that
ALWAYS had Kenny’s back I know she would
be so thankful. Gumball you will forever be
missed! That wide smile and the shades on thetop of your head will forever be how I
remember you. ❤️
thank you in advance for anything you can
give no matter how big or small.