Funeral Expenses For Marc Aka CO$ Slick
As I’m typing this right now it still feel like a bad dream that I haven’t waken up from, this doesn’t seem real at all but I know you all heard of the untimely passing of my brother and business partner Marc Hill aka CO$ Slick.
He was a ball of energy, heart and CEO of Cos Clothing, and his loyalty to his friends and family was unmatched. He was always there when we needed him, so it’s only right we do the same for him. If you had the pleasure of meeting Marc then you know how real and selfless he was. He leaves behind many broken hearts butmost importantly his mother, grandmother, sisters, cousins, and his nephew Kenzo.
All proceeds are going to my brothers funeral expenses so any donation matters. We appreciate all the love and support and we thank you in advance for any help and most importantly your prayers. If you do donate please leave a message or your fav memory you have with bro.
- Dereio aka CO$ DeeThang