Funeral Expenses for Mulu Hailu Brhane
Donation protected
መርድእ።። ናይ ላስቬጋስ ነባሪ ሓውና ኣቶ ሙሉ ሃይሉ ጥቅምቲ 16 2022 ኣብ ጋርደን ሲቲ ካንሰስ ብዘጋጠሞ ከቢድ ናይ መኪና ሓደጋ ሂወቱ ከምዝሓለፈ ክንገልጸኩም ከለና ዝተሰመዓና መሪር ሐዘን እናገለጽና። ኣቶ ሙሉ ሃይሉ አብ ዓዲ 4 ደቁ ምስ አዲኦም ብድሕሪኡ ገዲፉ ምሕላፉ ዝመረረ ሓዘን ይገብሮ። ኩልና ተቐማጦ ተጋሩ ላስቬጋስ ንስርዓት ቀብሩን ቤተሰቡን ኣብ ዝግበር ገንዘባዊ ምትእኽኻብ ኩሉኹም ነበርቲ ላስቬጋስ ክትሳተፉ ንጽውዕ። ብኣቶ አብርሃ ይመር ተኽፊቱ ዘሊ ጎ ፈንድሚ እጃምኩም ከተበርክቱ ብስም ቤተሰቡን ደቁን ምሕጽንታ ነቕርብ።
Yesterday, on October 16, 2022, we received the heartbreaking news that our beloved friend and brother, Mulu Hailu Brhane, has passed away. Mulu lost his life in a car accident in Garden City, Kansas. He recently moved to Kansas after living in Las Vegas for many years. Mulu was a beloved member of our community, and we deeply mourn this loss.
Mulu financially supported his wife and four young children living in the besieged Tigray region that has left millions in famine. We humbly ask that you help us honor Mulu's life by donating to cover his funeral expenses, and any remaining funds will be sent to his family. Thank you.
Abraha Yemer Desta
Las Vegas, NV