Update: Paul went home to be with the lord yesterday at 3:30 , We are trying to raise money to ensure that he has the service that he deserves
Any and All donations will be greatly appreciated, if it's only a dollar it will mean the world
On Saturday morning, Paul suffered a seizure and went into cardiac arrest. After getting him to Leake Baptist, he coded twice and was put on life support and tranfered to Baptist in Jackson. Once we arrived here, he was evaluated and placed in ICU. It was determined that he was not breathing at all on his own. Today we saw 3 Doctors who gave us all the same prognosis. There was severe swelling of the brain. Doctors have done several tests to check for any reflexes. There are none. Scans have been done that determined there is no brain function. As a Family, we will be honoring his wishes and taking him off the vent on Monday evening. We are setting up this fundraiser for f
uneral expenses for Paul. We have no medical or life insurance. We are asking all our friends and family if they can help. No donation is too small and every donation will be greatly appreciated.