Funeral Expenses for Susan Shively
Hello all, my name is Stephanie Shively. On July 22nd, the world lost one of its brightest lights in the form of my mother, Susan Shively. She was truly the kindest person with the most giving and loving heart - she had motherly instincts to her very core and tended to mother and love everyone that she met. There was no one who met her who did not feel the depth of her love and care for others. Her death came as an unexpected shock to all her knew her, including myself. Given the unexpected nature of her death, there were no financial safe guards in place - including no life insurance policies and debts were left behind. Currently, I am struggling to make a dent in our expenses, including funeral expenses. As of right now, I am on disability for a few chronic conditions that include intense pain and anxiety, which has led to a reduced income. I hate to even begin to ask for money, but I have never been in a more desperate spot and it is taking its toll physically and emotionally. Any support or donations would be beyond appreciated and I cannot express how much it would assist me in this time where I am devastated beyond words to have lost my best friend. Thank you so incredibly much to everyone who views this page, shares this campaign, or donates. It means more than words can express.