Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Funeral Expenses for the Herman Family

Beschermde donatie
Pastor Philip Herman and family are needing funds for funeral expenses for their second oldest son, Matthias, age 22.

Matthias was a wonderful son and a great brother to his siblings. He loved us and we loved him deeply. The family has many tremendous memories of doing everyday things with him. He was deeply committed to being in church and in church activities all of his life. He loved God and counted Jesus as His Lord and Savior.

Matthias’s death was tragic as he lost his battle with negative thoughts about his identity and worth to others. Please lift up Pastor Philip, his wife Pam and their children Josiah, Abigail, Nathanael, and Kaylan.

Matthias Herman Obituary


  • Claudia Sheesley
    • $25
    • 5 jaar
  • Tim Howington
    • $50
    • 5 jaar
  • Anoniem
    • $50
    • 5 jaar
  • John McLaughlin
    • $100
    • 5 jaar
  • Anoniem
    • $50
    • 5 jaar

Organisator en begunstigde

Jana McLendon
Des Moines, IA
Philip Herman

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