Funeral expenses Gastos de funeral
Como ya muchos de ustedes saben nuestra madre sufrió un paro cardíaco hace unos meses. Después de eso su salud a empeorando y su doctor
menciono que lo mejor es detener sus diàlisis y
empezar hospice. Hemos iniciado los preparativos para su funeral, pero con todo lo del virus
covid-19 nada más se va a permitir 10 personas. Si puedieran apoyarnos, se lo agradecemos mucho.
As some of you may know my mother suffered a stroke earlier this year, since then her health has slowly been diminishing. Her kidney doctor has taken her off dialysis and she currently is on hospice. During this difficult time we have started making her arrangements, we understand during this pandemic everyone cannot financially help so anything is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately due to the covid-19 the funeral home will only allow 10 people at the burial service.