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funeral exspense for nana

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Family in need of help, this was all so fast to which no one was financially prepared.  Nana also known as claudette McCain was one of the strongest women. She had conquered breast cancer years ago and was only expected to live 3-5 years along with multiple heart attacks  but she was a fighter and she wasn't going to let it take her down. She lived a great life and got to see her great grandchildren grow and even interact with them, nothing stoppped her from keeping busy and living. She was Nana and she took care of everyone. We don't like asking for help but we have no where else to turn.  Thank you in advance...
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  • Shannon Scooter Bass
    • $150
    • 7 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $100 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Damon Wilson
Oroville, CA

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