Funeral for DeCarerick Kennedy& Faybian Hoisington
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved DeCarerick "DoBaby" Kennedy 16 years old, and his brother Faybian "FayFay" Hoisington, 14 years old. As they both were heading to their grandmother's, they were victims of the car meet crash on Sunday, February 21st. We are absolutely devastated by the tragic death of both teenagers and are struggling to find the funds to cover the cost for their funeral services. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, their mother, Keda Kennedy lost her employment, therefore losing life insurance coverage for the boys. Please find it in your heart to help this grieving mother bury her two sons. The family is eternally grateful to each of you for your consideration. In His love.
The funeral service for both young men will be this Saturday, March 6, 2021 at St Paul Missionary Baptist Church 1335 Waller Ave, Brookshire Texas 77423. Viewing will be 9:00am-10:50am and Homegoing service will be at 11:00.
Floral arrangements may be ordered through Fort Bend Memorial Planning Center where Robert Swearington is the CEO/Funeral Director. You may contact him at [phone redacted] if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for all your prayers, calls, text and monetary donations.