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Funeral for Randall Bates Sr.

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It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the death of Randall Bates Sr. For those of you that knew him, you knew that he was a fighter. Randy fought till the very end — so much so, that none of us thought it was the end just yet. He was 59.

They — meaning anyone — will tell you that you should prepare for death. Death is inevitable. No one is too good to beat it. Well, Randy deserved to, if anyone. He brightened the lives of so many with his sense of humor and his altruistic ways, always having something to give.
He was one of the rare ones and heaven truly gained an angel to be reckoned with — in the best way. 

As you can imagine, the family was not at all prepared for the financial burden that comes along with a proper funeral and burial. That is why I am reaching out to you all in hopes that we can return Randy’s kindness and show support for his son, Randall Jr. and his daughter, Cassandra. Losing a parent is earth shattering in the least and preparing the services is stressful. Imagine that and trying to figure out how the costs will be covered.
I’m hoping we all can come together and alleviate that burden.

Randall and Cassandra are planning a modest but proper ceremony. Every little bit helps.

All donations will go towards Randy’s final expenses of his funeral and burial.

Thank you so much for even considering to donate and for taking the time to read about Randy.

As you can see our goal is $12,000, the amount for a basic memorial. It’s a lot of money and we hope to raise this amount quickly as we can so Randall and Cassandra can give their father the proper fair well that he deserves.

Blessings ❤️

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katrina Pape
Missouri Valley, IA
Cassandra Bates

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