Funeral Support for Naim Sabanovic
Donation protected
My name is Arnela Delkic Omerovic and Naim Sabanovic was my uncle.
Naim Sabanovic passed away September 23, 2019 from a rough battle with pancreatic cancer, one of the world's deadliest cancers. Naim fought until the cancer stole his last breath yesterday. Naim lost both his parents and one of his brothers, therefore there is not much support from his side of the family through this tough time.
Naim came to the United States with his wife Maida roughly 20 years ago where they later had two beautiful daughter’s, Emili and Dajana. Maida, after losing her brother one year ago, witnessed the cancer slowly taking her husband. Dajana is only 16 years old and is a Sophomore in High School. Emili is a student at Georgia Tech where she's completing her degree.
Naim was a very hard working man that always put his family first. He was very creative, social, loved the guitar and enjoyed the company of others.
Maida and her two daughters would like to fulfill Naim's wish of laying his body to rest in his home country, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
We are hoping with this short introduction of who Naim Sabanovic was that you find it in your heart to help this family through this hard time of losing their dad and husband.
All of the donations will be going towards funeral costs and the transportation to Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Moje ime je Arnela Delkić Omerović, a Naim Šabanović moj stric.
Naim Sabanović preminuo je 23. septembra 2019. godine od grube bitke sa karcinomom gušterače, jednim od najsmrtonosnijih karcinoma na svijetu. Naim se borio do posljednjeg daha. Naim je izgubio i roditelje i jednog od braće, stoga nema mnogo podrške sa strane njegove porodice u ovom teškom vremenu.
Naim je došao u Sjedinjene Države sa suprugom Maidom pre otprilike 20 godina, gde su kasnije imali dve prelepe ćerke, Emili i Dajanu. Maida je, nakon što je pre godinu dana izgubila brata, izgubila i svog muza. Dajana ima samo 16 godina i inače pohada srednju školu. Emili je studentica na Georgia Techu gdje završava diplomu.
Naim je bio vrlo marljiv čovjek koji je uvijek stavljao porodicu na prvo mjesto. Bio je vrlo kreativan, društven, volio je gitaru i uživao je u društvu drugih.
Maida i njene dvije kćeri žele ispuniti Naimovu želju da njegovo tijelo položi u svoju rodnu zemlju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Molimo svakoga ko je u mogucnosti da pomogne ovoj porodicu u ovim teskim vremenima.
Sve donacije bit će usmjerene na troškove pogreba i prevoza u Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Organizer and beneficiary
Arnela Omerovic
Lawrenceville, GA
Emili Sabanovic