Funeral y Memoria De Oscar Orozco Lara
Con el mas grande dolor que hoy en dia nos encontramos, y conmovidos por la perdida de Oscar Orozco, una corta vida, a los 21 anos de edad, en Mayo 3 del 2021.
Estamos colectando donaciones para recaudar los costos de los servicios funerales de Oscar Orozco, y ayudar a su mama.
El tuvo una partida inesperada, la historia de su vida no fue facil para el, su hermana, y su mama, ya que desde muy pequeno, alos 11 anos, perdio a su papa, inmigraron para los estados unidos con su mama, buscando una nueva vida, estar en paz, y estables,
Oscar Orozco, llego alos Estados Unidos, empezo en la escuela elementaria, hasta que se graduo de High School, desde pequeno fue un nino muy alegre, sonrriente, simpre con un carisma unico, se reia y se le llenava su cara de felicidad, un persona ejemplar, hijo, y hermano, empezo a trabajar por su cuenta, tenia muchos planes por seguir, toda una vida por delante,
Las recaudaciones seran para cubrir costos funerales, alludar a su mama, que se encuentra en Dallas TX, y a su hermana, que tiene que viejar desde mexico con una visa humaniratia para estar presente en los servicios funebres.
Dios de la Paz y Consuelo en los corazones de su Mama, Hermana y detodos sus seres queridos. Amen!
It is with immense pain that we find ourselves announcing the unexpected departure of Oscar Orozco. His life was cut short, at 21 years old on Monday May 3rd 2021.
We are collecting donations to cover the costs of Oscar funeral services as well as financial support for his mother and sister.
The story of his life was not an easy one. After the unexpected loss of his father at the age 11, he and his mother migrated to the United States seeking peace, stability and to be closer to family.
Oscar began his new life in the U.S. at the age of 11 as a 6th grade student where he faced new challenges as he adjusted to the culture and language differences.
He began working independently. He had many plans for his future, a whole life ahead of him. As a child he was very happy, charismatic and always smiling. His laugh was contagious. And most importantly he was an amazing son and brother.
The funds will help cover funeral costs, financial support to his mother, who is in Dallas TX, and his sister, who has to travel from Mexico with a humanitarian visa to be present at the funeral services.
God bring Peace and Comfort in the hearts of his Mom, Sister and all his loved ones. Amen!