koszty pogrzebowe dla Ireneusza.funeral expenses
Donation protected
W Srode 26 Stycznia 2022 moj ukochany wujek Ireneusz Sudol zmarl po dlugiej, dwu letniej walce z rakiem. Nasza cala rodzina ma zlamane serce z powodu jego odejscia. Swoje zycie poswiecil swojej rodzinie pracujac jako kierowca. Pozostawil swoja ukochana zone Elzbiete Sudol , dwoch synow w Polsce , Pawla i Piotra oraz dwojke malutkich dzieci , osmioletnia Victorie i siedmioletniego Christophera. Swoja mame Genowefe ,siostry Anne i Lidie oraz brata Mariana. Dolaczyl do zmarlego ojca Mariana i zmarlego brata Andrzeja. Pozostawil za soba licznych kochanych bratankow i siostrzencow wraz z rodzinami. Nasza rodzina jest zdruzgotana smiercia wujka. Byl znakomitym plywakiem i kierowca, uwielbial dzieci. Czesto gral w pilke nozna i spedzal czas z dziecmi z rodziny, kochal przebywac na powietrzu. Rodzina byla dla niego wszystkim. Zawsze sluzyl rada i pomoca. Czesto zartowal i usmiech zawsze goscil na jego twarzy. Nie ma slow ktore opisaly by smutek i pustke jaka pozostawil w naszych sercach. Zwracamy sie z prosba do przyjaciol, znajomych i nie znajomych o pomoc w zbiorce pieniedzy aby pomoc Elzbiecie w pochowku. Z pewnascia wszyscy wiedza jakie koszty i wydatki sa zwiazane z pogrzebem , sa bardzo wysokie. Prosimy Was o wsparcie finansowe w dowolnej kwocie , kto ile moze aby zmniejszyc obciazenie finansowe Elzbiety. Dziekujemy wszystkim za pomoc finansowa , dobre slowa i modlitwy. W imieniu mojej rodziny, dziekuje bardzo za przeczytanie i pomoc.
On Wednesday January 26th 2022 my beloved uncle Ireneusz Sudol passed away after long , two year battle with cancer. Our whole family was instantly heartbroken because of his passing.He spent his life providing for his family as a driver. He left behind his beloved wife Elzbieta Sudol, two sons in Poland , Pawel and Piotr and two small children, eight year old Victoria and seven year old Christopher. His mother , Genowefa, sisters Anna and Lidia and brother Marian. He is predeceased by his father Mariand and brother Andrzej. He also leaves behind lots of nephews and nieces with their families. Our family is devastated by the loss of our beloved uncle. He was an excellent swimmer and driver, he loved children. Often he would play soccer ball and spend time with children of the family, he loved being outdoors. Family was everything to him. He was gave great advice and helped others. He joked often and smile was always on his face. There are no true words to describe the pain and void that he left in our hearts. We are turning to our friends, and none friends in hopes of raising assistance to help Elzbieta to lay my uncle to rest. As you may the burrial expenses are very high. We ask, that in his name, any contribiutions be made to this campaign so we can lessen the burden on Elzbieta. We thank all of our friends and family for any assistance you can provide and your prayers. On behalf of my family , thank you for reading and considering helping us.
On Wednesday January 26th 2022 my beloved uncle Ireneusz Sudol passed away after long , two year battle with cancer. Our whole family was instantly heartbroken because of his passing.He spent his life providing for his family as a driver. He left behind his beloved wife Elzbieta Sudol, two sons in Poland , Pawel and Piotr and two small children, eight year old Victoria and seven year old Christopher. His mother , Genowefa, sisters Anna and Lidia and brother Marian. He is predeceased by his father Mariand and brother Andrzej. He also leaves behind lots of nephews and nieces with their families. Our family is devastated by the loss of our beloved uncle. He was an excellent swimmer and driver, he loved children. Often he would play soccer ball and spend time with children of the family, he loved being outdoors. Family was everything to him. He was gave great advice and helped others. He joked often and smile was always on his face. There are no true words to describe the pain and void that he left in our hearts. We are turning to our friends, and none friends in hopes of raising assistance to help Elzbieta to lay my uncle to rest. As you may the burrial expenses are very high. We ask, that in his name, any contribiutions be made to this campaign so we can lessen the burden on Elzbieta. We thank all of our friends and family for any assistance you can provide and your prayers. On behalf of my family , thank you for reading and considering helping us.
Organizer and beneficiary
Anna Wojtaszewska- Awad
Garfield, NJ
Anna Awad