Help my sister get her kids back
I am trying to help my sister get her kids back in her life. They were removed from her custody for reasons we still can’t understand. She is able to see her children up to 3 hours a week for supervised visits and it costs her $60 per hour. She also was left without an attorney to back her yet again. I am trying to help her so she can maintain seeing my niece and nephews each week and to also help her get funds to get a great attorney! My goal is to get her a civil rights attorney. She has paid every penny she has to three different attorneys. Please help me by raising the necessary funds to hire her a really good attorney who will fight for what’s right and follow through.
Her PayPal is [email redacted] and her Venmo is @Amber-Burris-10 if you don’t feel comfortable donating via Gofundme. Please help me to help her little family. They could sure use the help. ❤️