Please help us survive
Donation protected
Hi, my name is leah
I'm 30 years old and I have 8 beautiful children.
They're my world...
I grew up with a widowed mother, poverty and hunger are no strangers ... I always hoped that it would be something my children would never experience.
I got married thinking that I had reached my happy place... but my dreams and hopes came crashing down real fast.
Is he abusive? Not outright
Are we afraid of him? Oh yes...
I gave and gave and I thought that the more I gave in the less conflict, he wouldn't be angry
That maybe he would become stable even...
But it's been well over a decade and things have gone from bad to worse ...
I'm trying to get my freedom but how?
we have no food ... literally
My kids ask for snack for school and I have no answer...
When we run out of whatever we get from tomchei shabbos that's it ...
I can't pay for rent, tuition, playgroup
I have 2 kids with special needs
One requires expensive medication the other has autism and needs private insurance...
I've sold all my jewelry and I've put my furniture on the market
I have nothing else left ...
I'm ashamed and humiliated
I haven't slept in weeks...
Never not even in my worst nightmares did I envision this.
I'm at the mercy of complete strangers..
I ask you to please help us
I don't need furniture,nice clothes, new car ... I just want to feed my kids, keep them healthy and safe.
Please can you help me?
May the Eibishter repay aou for taking care of His children and may you never be on the receiving end.
Leah Rubin
Lakewood Township, NJ