Student loans
Donation protected
I am here to ask for help to raise money for my student loans. I will owe a total of roughly 45,000$ if things go well. I am asking this today because I myself am struggling with money. I work so much but most of my paycheck goes to necessities like my dog,food, house stuff, and bills. I haven't been able to even spend a lot on myself even with my new job. I haven't even been able to get a car either. This would help me out a lot to get my life together so I can get some things I need in life without worrying about my school loans. If you can't donate I understand but if you could please share would help a great deal too. I will also be donating to myself as well. If you want to donate it doesn't have to be a lot even a dollar goes a long way. I make a total of 1000 dollars a month most goes to vet bills house supplies food and money towards my car and soon money towards rent in my new apartment. I have a while to obtain all these funds I believe 4 years even so that is a short time for 45,000 dollars. I would really appreciate even a dollar it doesn't have to be a lot. Anything at all would be appreciated and it would make me extremely happy. I also do art portraits that you can find me on for more information. All the money goes towards my college loans and helps me out it also gets you a nice portrait. I also have pics of current schedule that I do online and my current charges as of 3 months. These are not my total charges that will be at the end of 4 years. Thank you so much for listening and donating if you did I appreciate it have a nice day!
Jaden Hrzic
King Township, PA