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Please help me beat Cancer

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Hi I'm Christian Villanueva

Who knows me will tell you that in my 43 years of life, I have been blessed with a loving family, great friends and with the ability to fulfill all my financial responsibilities by working hard and for that I am thankful.

And this is my Story,

4 years ago in a routine test I received the most difficult news of my life, that I had Colon cancer stage 4, and with that a tumor in the intestines that had to be operated immediately, it is very difficult to process that you have cancer, I felt the world came down to me, I started thinking about my family, friends, you do not know how to face news like this, but as many of you know I am a strong person,

Arrived the day of the operation that was planned for 4 hours and took 10 hours removing some pieces of tumors that had been located on the walls of the intestines and could be very dangerous because they could be located in some organs of my body,
The operation went well, but I was surprised with the news after, that I had a bag in my belly (colonostomy bag) that I had to use for 1 year or in the worst case for life, I got sad again, I was not sure If was going to be able to resist it.
My life changed 360 degrees in all directions, I only thought about my family,friends as they are the ones who give me the strength to keep fighting,

I have my strong chemo treatments in tablets, and every 2 weeks in the hospital to receive chemo in infusion to the veins, and another treatment of intensive radiation plus steroids tablets, with all of that I started losing my hair, losing weight, my skin color changed, I went from 210 pounds to 140 pounds and it wasn't easy but I am a warrior and this cancer is not going to beat me.

Every four months I had to undergo check up routine with tests like, pet scan, mri, x ray, there are no words to describe how nervous and anxious I felt every time I have to wait for the results and talk to my doctor, it put me in a very bad shape, wanting to cry, there were times when I felt so down and depressed that I couldn't get off my bed, but I had to get up for my family, The result of the first checked up were not good, actually they were worst because I was told that now I had Liver cancer and Bone cancer stage 4, again I felt the world came over me, now I had to fight with three types of cancer, I did not know what to do at first, I lost the direction of my life, the desire to keep on fighting, but I could not give up, I always knew that I have an angel in heaven who is watching over me and taking care of me, but I no longer had the strength to move from my bed, in addition to that one morning I woke up and one of my arms no longer responded, bone cancer was attacking my left shoulder and for which I underwent a strong radiation treatment, now the only thing left is a complete shoulder transplant. My doctors tell me that my bones are so weak from the same cancer that they can break out of nowhere.

But the fighter in me gave me some strength to keep working full time, my friends asked me how can you do it? From where you draw so much strength not to fall and always walk with a smile, that made me wanted to keep fighting for my life, but three months ago the strong pain in my bones forced me to stopped working for the first time since being diagnosed and this has hit me financially and this is the reason why now I'm reaching out to all of you.

My goal is to raised USD 80,000 which would help me cover most of my medical expenses, alternative therapies and supplements and assist with my ongoing monthly expenses. If you are able to help out I would really appreciate it and if you know anyone else who may be interested in helping me, please feel free to share. Every little bit counts and my hope is to pay forward after I get past this by spreading awareness and all the knowledge I have gained along this journey to other people who either have or affected by Cancer.

With Faith and confidence I plan to beat this monster. Life teach me how challenging and unpredictable it can be, but also teaches me that I am not alone in this journey.

From the bottom of my heart and forever thankful.

Much love,


 Version en Espanol

Hola my nombre es Christian Villanueva,

Los que me conocen te pueden decir que en mis 43 anos de vida he sido bendecido con una familia maravillosa, grandes amigos y con la abilidad de siempre ser independiente financieramente gracias a mi trabajo fuerte y por eso siempre estare agradecido.

Permiteme contarte mi historia ,
hace 4 anos en un examen de ruitina me dieron la mas dificil noticia de mi vida que tenia cancer al Colon grado 4, y con eso un tumor en los intestinos que tenia que ser operado de inmediato , es muy dificil procesar q tienes cancer, se me cayo el mundo abajo , piensas en tu familia , novio, amigos, no sabes como afrontar una noticia asi
Pero como muchos de ustedes saben soy una persona fuerte,

llego el dia de la operacion que estaba planeaba por 4 horas y tomo 10 horas quitando unos pedazos de tumores que se habian localizado por las paredes del intestinos y podia ser muy peligroso por que se podian ubicar en algun organo de mi cuerpo,
la operacion salio bien , pero me doy con la sorpresa que me habian puesto una bolsa en mi estomago ( colonostomy bag) que tenia que usar por 1 ano o en el peor de los casos de por vida, me puse mal otra vez no estaba seguro si lo podia resistir.
mi vida cambio 360 grados en todos sentidos,solo pensaba en mi familia , novio, amigos, son ellos quienes me dan la fuerza para seguir luchando ,

Tengo mis tratamientos fuertes de chemo en pastilllas, y cada 2 semanas en el hospital para recibir chemo en infucion a la venas , y otro tratamiento de radiacion intensivo ,con eso steroides pastillas, con eso llego la caida de cabello,delgadez,color de tu piel cambia, yo pesaba 210 libras y ahora verme 140 libras no es facil , soy un guerrero y este cancer no me va a vencer ,

Pero ahora llegaban nuevos examenes , pet scan ,mri, x ray, no les puedo mentir amigos el llegar a conversar con mi doctor me pone muy mal , nervioso con ganas de llorar, habian momentos en que solo me deprimia , pero me tenia que levantar por mi familia ,ahora me dan la peor noticia que tenia cancer al Higado y cancer a los huesos grado 4, se me cayo el mundo, ahora tenia que luchar con tres tipos de cancer, no sabia que hacer por primera vez perdia la direccion de mi vida, las ganas de seguir luchando, pero no me podia dar por vencido, siempre supe que tengo un angel en el cielo que me esta cuidando pero ya no tenia fuerzas ni anmo para levantarme de mi cama, a eso se le sumo que uno de mis brazos ya no respondia, el cancer de los huesos estaba atacando mi hombro izquierdo y para lo cual fui sometido a un fuerte tratamiento de radiacion, ahora lo unico que queda es un transplante de hombro completo. Mis doctores me dicen que mis huesos son tan debiles por el mismo cancer que se pueden romper de la nada.

Pero luchador como soy seguia trabajando full time, mis amigos me preguntaban como lo puedes hacer? de donde sacas tanta fuerza para no caerte y siempre andar con una sonrisa, eso me daba mas ganas de seguir luchando por mi vida, pero hace tres meses deje de trabajar por primera vez desde que me diagnosticaron y esto me ha golpeado financieramente y esta es la razon por la cual ahora acudo a ustedes.

Mi meta es recaudar USD 80,000 los cuales me ayudarian con mis gastos medicos, medicinas y terapias alternativas y mis gastos mensuales. Si me puedes ayudar con cualquier monto te voy a estar por siempre agradecido y si sabes de alguien mas que me pudiese ayudar por favor compartelo. Todo granito cuenta y mi esperanza es de devolver el favor cuando me cure llevando y compartiendo lo que he aprendido en esta nueva etapa de mi vida con la gente que esta afectada con Cancer.

Tengo Fe y confidencia de que voy a vencer a este mounstruo. La vida me ha ensenado lo dificil e impredecible que puede ser pero tambien me ha ensenado que no estoy solo en esta lucha.

Desde el fondo de mi corazon y por siempre agradecido.

Much love,



  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Christian Villanueva
Fort Lauderdale, FL

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