The Fenn Bell Zoo
In memory of Beth I am always looking for worthwhile causes to raise money for. So when I came across the Fenn Bell Zoo story and their plea to raise funds, I knew this would be the perfect choice.
Beth adored animals and as a toddler grew up near this little Zoo (although it wasn’t a Zoo then) - her cousins and their friends visit frequently as it is on their doorstep.
it costs £2000 a week to keep the conservation going and the animals looked after. With Covid 19 the owner is struggling to make ends meet and the worry is that he may loose the conservation and the animals along with it.
So, I am going to offer the chance for someoneto win one of Beth’s pieces of Art (not the original) but it is a piece beautifully put onto canvas and I think quite apt for the cause and the environment we are living in at the moment
all you need to do is donate £5 onto this go fund me page - (all donations will go to the Conservation), and your name will go into the generator that will pick one lucky winner on Wednesday 29th April at 8pm
Please make sure you put your full name on the donation so I can add you to the draw.
Thank you for supporting