Help Cassie with Legal Fees
REMINDER: This is NOT the gofund me for Cassie’s end of life celebration & Saylors future. ♥️ see other go fund me titled “Celebrate Cassie”
Throughout the changing seasons of life, my sister has always been able to overcome & adapt to provide herself with the best life possible. Yet recently, the circumstances have intensified. Making it difficult to fufill the financial aspect of retaining a qualified lawyer. It is dire that she has proper representation in order for the best possible outcome for Saylor. I will let her explain further below. Please read with an open mind & heart...
Hello Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing to you today with a heavy heart. I never imagined that I would be in a position in my life
where it would be necessary to write this letter to you. Nonetheless, here I am.
So where do I begin? Let me begin at the beginning. In July of 2017, on the heals of one of the most
traumatic events in my life, I met the man who became the father of my precious daughter. Like so
many relationships I know, I was swept up in hidden deceit known as charm. This man was a master at
the game of manipulation and though I could see all the warning signs of an abuser, I believed his
excuses and became stuck in his web of narcissistic lies. Just months into the relationship, I discovered
that I was pregnant. Let me be clear, I have never regretted my decision to become a mother. Saylor is
truly the light and love of my life.
During my pregnancy, this man’s abusive control and manipulation escalated. But having battled
infertility in my first marriage, I desperately wanted a family. So, I justified his erratic behavior as long as
I could. By the grace of God and great friends, I chose to end the relationship with him. I knew that
raising my daughter alone would be better than exposing her to a toxic homelife relationship.
When I ended the relationship with him, and he no longer had control of my mind, his web of lies and
deceit spread like a wildfire. He filed dozens of false police reports. He call CPS so many times, I nearly
came to know most of the staff by name. The passive aggressive abuse was so bad, I had to trespass him
from my apartment on more than one occasion.
In 2019 I filed for sole custody of my daughter. The court allowed him to have bi-monthly visitation and
ordered him to pay child support. To date, he owes me over 10K in support. A few weeks ago, due to
child support delinquency, the state was set to suspend his driver’s license. Just days after that notice,
he called CPS to report yet another false claim. He was allowed to pick up my daughter that day for his
regularly scheduled weekend visit.
For over two weeks, I had no contact with my daughter or knowledge of her whereabouts. I called
everyone I knew. I sought help from local police and every government agency I knew. No one could or
would help me. My only hope was a powerful attorney who would not fall for his manipulation or
believe his lies.
But great attorneys are expensive. My family has levered everything we have to try to raise the 10K
needed to fight this man in court. Currently, I am over 5K short. I need your help. My daughter needs
your help.
Foremost, please pray. Please pray and consider donating to this Go Fund Me. Every single dollar raised
will be used to protect my daughter.
Thank you for your prayers and support. I love and value each of you.