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Gaga Classes Online

Donación protegida

Welcome to Gaga Online.

PLEASE NOTE: We have moved to a new paid model platform. If you wish to join our classes, please find more information at this link:

Our GoFundMe campaign will continue to raise funds in support of our Gaga Online scholarships allowing those in financial need to enjoy the pleasure of movement together with the Gaga community. If you are in a position to support us in this mission to make Gaga available to all, we will deeply appreciate contributions in all shapes and sizes. 

If you'd like to join our new Gaga Online platform as a Sponsor, click here for more info:

THANK YOU GAGA ONLINE SUPPORTERS! We have you to thank for keeping Gaga Online nourished with your daily presence and support. 

What is Gaga?

Gaga classes offer a framework for users to connect to their bodies and imaginations, experience physical sensations, improve their flexibility and stamina, exercise their agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure of movement. Gaga's movement language is developed by Ohad Naharin,  house choreographer of Batsheva Dance Company, and constantly evolving. 

Learn more about Gaga here: 

Why Now?

Until today, Gaga classes were only experienced in person, in a shared space. Due to these extenuating circumstances and in the spirit of continuous research, we are now sharing Gaga classes online in a shorter format. Let's together strengthen our engines and connect to far away places, especially as we are currently unable to physically gather together.

How Can You Help?

Many Gaga teachers around the world are independent freelancers, unable to secure work during challenging times, like these. We have minimal employment benefits and little ability to save in advance: most/all of our engagements are canceled due to social distancing restrictions and precautions. 

Please give as generously as you can.  All donations go directly to Gaga teachers to help them through this moment of uncertainty. We understand many of us are experiencing a deep financial hurt due to the situation so pay what you can, if you can!


We are here with time on our hands and are excited to move, sweat and enjoy the pleasure of movement together with you where ever you are. 

Movement can bring vitality to your daily routine at home.

Join us in our Gaga classes online and invite your friends and family to join as well. We are a team of experienced Gaga teachers and will be teaching in rotation throughout the weeks ahead. 

What we offer:

Gaga/people and Gaga/dancers classes, live-streamed daily, 7 days a week. Classes are currently entirely donation based and open to anyone. 

Gaga/people - 9:00 A.M. (Tel Aviv time, IDT) 

Gaga/people - 11:00 A.M. (Tel Aviv time, IDT) 

Gaga/dancers - 3:00 P.M. (Tel Aviv time, IDT) 

Gaga/people - 6:00 P.M. (Tel Aviv time, IDT) 

Gaga/dancers - 2:00 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time, NYC)

Gaga/people - 6:00 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time, NYC)

Register for the classes you would like to join below in the "Updates" section.  Every Sunday evening, we publish the schedule for the upcoming week. 

What you can give back: 

We will greatly appreciate whatever you can give, if you can, to encourage us during this period.   

To sign up for any of the classes- scroll down to 'Updates'.

Thank you for joining us! Looking forward to floating with you...

- Gaga Teachers


We are doing our best to create a safe space to experience Gaga together. We remind you that watching Gaga classes is strictly prohibited. Active participation is required. Gaga reserves the right to remove participants who exhibit any inappropriate behavior.

Gaga Classes are recorded by Gaga Movement for internal purposes only. Only the teachers' screens are recorded; we are not recording participants' screens whatsoever. The recording of sessions is strictly prohibited.

Ownership of all Gaga methods presented by the Teacher during the training will remain with Gaga Movement Ltd.. The recording and distributing of classes presented is forbidden.

By participating in the classes you are doing so at your own risk. By joining our Gaga classes you declare that you are in good health and shape, and understand the nature of Gaga activity. You fully accept and assume all responsibility for injury or damage that may result from your participation in the Gaga class. You release and hold harmless Gaga Movement Ltd. and Gaga USA, its employees and teachers, other participants with respect to any or all injury or damages arising from the activity to the fullest extent permitted by law.

By clicking on the links to classes, you confirm to abide by these terms. 



  • Anónimo
    • $200
    • 6 mos
  • Sharon Eyni
    • $10
    • 4 yrs
  • megan english
    • $15
    • 4 yrs
  • Susan Parente
    • $5
    • 4 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Gaga Teachers
New York, NY
Gaga Online Classes

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

  • Fácil

    Dona de forma rápida y sencilla

  • Eficaz

    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

  • Confiable

    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe