Gail O’Connor Funeral Costs
Hello friends and family of Gail. My name is Rachel Webb. Gail has been like a second mom to me growing up. I’ve been best friends with Brittany (Gail’s daughter) for years and she was always there for me. When I was 16 I lost my brother unexpectedly and Gail took it upon herself to start a fundraising account for him at the bank, to help us cover the many funeral costs. This helped my family tremendously during such unplanned and difficult times.
Sadly the world lost a beautiful, kind and loving woman on 10/14/2020, Gail O’Connor. As Brittany and Sam prepare to pay for the funeral, I’d like to return the favor she paid to my family. Every penny helps to cover the costs of this wonderful woman’s funeral. Please consider donating what you can, to help provide relief to her daughters for this unplanned financial and emotional burden they’re experiencing.
Thank you for your generosity and love/ support!