Gaming for the survivors of the wild fires on Maui
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Hello, I’m CiD and I’ve gathered a group of friends to raise some money to help the survivors of the recent wildfires on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Maui.
My friend recently moved out to Maui to be with her partner and luckily, they weren’t directly effected by the fires. But a lot of their friends and families connections weren’t so lucky. The whole town of Lahaina was destroyed and will unlikely ever be restored to what it once was. But we can make a difference to the people whose lives have been affected by this devastating force of nature.
Over the coming weeks, we will be putting on a total of 72 hours of gaming across several Twitch streams to hopefully encourage you to stick your hand in your pocket and give a few bucks to help make a difference to these people’s lives.
Streamers confirmed to be taking part:
CiD_TTV: https://www.twitch.tv/cid_ttv
wyverinelagoon: https://www.twitch.tv/wyverinelagoon
sharas_bloopers: https://www.twitch.tv/sharas_bloopers
LilithSpooks: https://www.twitch.tv/lilithspooks
DistantAki: https://www.twitch.tv/DistantAki
Supported by:
We are also teamed up with the team at MyDesignAShirt who are running a Hope For Maui campaign in the form of t-shirts with all profits going to The Maui Strong Fund which is run by the Hawaii Community Foundation.
Thanks for reading.
More about the Hawaii Community Foundation:
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Hawaii Community Foundation and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me.
More information about Hawaii Community Foundation: Because philanthropy is many things—a boost for individuals in time of need, a catalyst for change, a spark for social innovation, and a lever for reform—the Hawai‘i Community Foundation is many things. Among them, HCF is a resource, a partner, a funder, and an advocate. At the heart of everything we do at HCF is a commitment to deliver meaningful impact that will benefit Hawai‘i.

Makawao, HI

Hawaii Community Foundation