Gamma Epsilon Chapter Supplies
We the sisters of the Gamma Epsilon chapter of Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority Incorporated are raising money in order to purchase supplies that the chapter needs. As a new chapter, that was established during Spring 2021-during COVID-19, we are in need of several items that would assist us in growing. Our university, the University of South Carolina Upstate, hosts various tabling and outside events throughout the entire academic year where a large portion of the student body, faculty, and staff are in attendance. In addition, we are known to host the most events on campus from social, to educational, to cultural and political events therefore, the items would be used on a regular week to week basis. However, due to the ongoing pandemic it has been difficult to fundraise money on campus. The donations that we receive would help us tremendously in order to purchase the following:
- All Latin American and Hispanic Flags (for several of the events we host on campus)
- Afghan (Tabling)
- Wooded Shield (Fall Yardshow, New Membership Presentations, etc.)
- Table Clothes (tabling)
- Large Wooded Stand Alone Letters
- Large Frame (all events)
- Community Service Supplies (gloves, trash picking supplies, etc)
The money we raise would not only cover the items above, but would also help us purchase the shipping and paint needed to decorate specific items. On our campus we are known, while we were O.W.L.S. in C.U.S., to do the most fundraising, however, all the money we fundraise throughout the academic year was utilized for events for students, donations to local charities, or to purchase items for volunteer service.
We thank you in advance for your donation and appreciate your time!
With love,
Gamma Epsilon