The Garry Burns fighting fund
Please consider helping me in my fight against vilification of LGBTQI people and other minority Australians.
This important work is in the public interest — but it is difficult and expensive for an independent activist to undertake.
Currently, I am facing the prospect of bankruptcy due to a bankruptcy enforcement notice from former Katter's Australia Party candidate Tess Corbett.
In 2013, Ms Corbett compared gay people to paedophiles. In an interview with the Hamilton Spectator newspaper, she said she “didn’t want gays, lesbians or paedophiles working in my kindergarten”.
“Paedophiles will be next in line to be recognised in the same way as gays and lesbians, and get rights,” she said.
She was ordered by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to publish an apology to both myself and to the gay community in general in The Sydney Morning Herald, as a public interest remedy.
However in 2018, the High Court Court of Australia overturned this decision and ordered me to pay court costs of $81,644.70.
On 9 June 2020, I received a bankruptcy enforcement notice in relation to this matter and am now facing the possibility being bankrupted.
I have worked for equality for Australians my whole life and do not want my life's work to end in bankruptcy for simply standing up and defending the rights of minority Australians.
Every dollar counts. Please consider donating what you can, even if it's just a dollar or two.
Thank you very much for any assistance you can give.
Yours sincerely,
Garry Burns