Gary Renard Podcast becomes Forgiveness Podcast!
Donation protected
~ Podcast Fundraiser Updated Message: (Sept. 12th, 2023)
~ “We're Getting There, Absolutely! - But Cash Flow Still Needs Major Assistance…”
~ And this Major Financial Assistance is needed: RIGHT AWAY! – Here’s the deal.
~ Dearest Friends and Podcast Family: Your blessed contributions so far have made ALL of this growth possible! Our new Computer is in hand and ready to go on-line. Our new Audio mixing and processing console has already been purchased and installed — bought on credit card (prior to the start of this fundraiser) and currently being billed (with regular interest, of course.)
~ Our original Donation Goal of $15,000 was honestly an “estimate”… but we knew that we’d need a significant amount of money to get things up and running, and successfully underway in terms of producing this kind of quality Podcast Production. Now, we may not require the FULL amount of our stated goal… but we’re not even Half-Way there, yet! - So we’ll definitely need further donations to assist in this Podcast's development. And we really require additional funding RIGHT NOW, allowing us to pay the rather overwhelming operating bills that we owe at the current moment, as well as those new ones that are coming in very quickly.
~ Once the Podcast Series is up and on-line, we’ll have other potential sources of operating income. And we’ll then also have the possibility of gaining hopefully lucrative Sponsorship to continue the Podcast Series’ financial viability. But we honestly need a LARGE “Income Assist” right away to keep our heads above water. (And keep the roof over our heads... seriously!)
~ We trust and PRAY that you folks, our dearest friends and supporters, will continue to help us in Major ways (as you definitely have been doing already), and we’ll have this wonderful new Podcast Series up and running — and “On The Air” as quickly (and Securely) as possible!
~ We LOVE you ALL... we hope that goes without saying! And as I’ve said previously, this NEW Podcast Series belongs to all of You… and I’m very sure you’re going to LOVE it… and you’ll be very proud of the enjoyment and the Blessings it brings to us ALL!
~ Love & Gratitude, and we’ll speak together again very soon! ~ Gene
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Original message – Re: The Forgiveness Podcast with Gene Bogart — GoFundMe fundraiser
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~ "Whatever the question... Forgiveness is ALWAYS the Answer!" ~
~ This wonderful phrase was delivered at the conclusion to every episode of all of our podcasts, starting from the very beginning of the series. So when a name change for the program became necessary, "The Forgiveness Podcast" was simply a natural choice!
~ Gary Renard has just recently decided to enter semi-retirement from active podcast production. Gary and Cindy (Gary's wonderful wife!) have been really busy traveling extensively, regularly doing online classes...and they're both working on new book publications. Of course, as always, we'll be keeping our loyal podcast audience up-to-date on all of these activities!
~ Gary is being very caring and helpful (as he always is) by actively helping to raise money for the audio, computer, and web-based equipment and "apps" that are now needed to bring our podcast series back into production, and available for all of you (and new subscribers, too!), to be easily connecting with on an ongoing, regular basis.
~ Our legacy series, "The Gary Renard Podcast", has always been available entirely for free! And the same will be true of our newly retitled show, The Forgiveness Podcast with Gene Bogart. But our costs and operating expenses have grown... and now have become quite significant — and indeed, very challenging. So we absolutely require your major financial assistance! * And...we need that as quickly as possible!
~ And as soon as we get things up and running, you will all have full access to every one of our previous “Legacy” Episodes; and be all set to start receiving each of the NEW Forgiveness Podcast episodes — which, of course, we’ll be making available to everyone as soon as possible. So we trust and pray that you’ll all consider gifting many generous Donations to this very worthwhile cause.
~ Please contribute as abundantly as you can. (We truly need your help with this… Yes, “The Podcast needs you!”) Also, we’ll be surprising all of you with some exciting “Thank You Bonuses” for those who contribute “very generously!” So please keep checking in right here for ongoing details and developments.
~ Thank you— ALL of you —so very, very much!
~ We send you our Love and immense Gratitude… Always!
(And Gary & Cindy send you their sincere Thanks, as well.)
~ Gene Bogart, Producer and Host of "The Forgiveness Podcast”
Gene Bogart
Boca Raton, FL