Gate to the Arctic - explore, learn, share
We are cleaning Bear Island - why? well who else can do it, and what better place to show that plastic is an global problem.
Bear Island?
Bjørnøya, translated Bear Island, is situated between the Barent sea, Norwegian sea in the middle of the ocean, halfway from Norwegian mainland to the arctic archipelago of Svalbard.
It’s mostly populated by nesting seabirds, arctic foxes, polar bears and surrounded by whales and rich fishing grounds.
And the occasional scientist - plus a lot of marine litter.
Who we are?
A non-profit organization to explore, create and spread knowledge of the Arctic.
With collaboration from scientist, organizations, people and companies. We can help create awareness and make science reachable for the younger generations.
Why do we need money?
To cover cost get sail to Bear Island - insurance, safety equipment,sharing what we find (satellite data ) boat rent and marketing.
We are leaving the 15. July - but that's just the start of the project. there are many subjects to highlight and many people to educate.
How much is 100NOK ?? Not much, it's almost 12USD
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