Gavin Kidd Funeral Expenses
Gavin Tyler Kidd gained his angel wings today at the precious age of sixteen years old. He had the most loving and giving heart but unfortunately his physical heart just gave out unexpectedly. Gavin had big plans for his future and already started applying to colleges. He recently got glasses and loved for his mom to clean them for him. Gavin had the biggest smile and was so thrilled to get his braces off recently. He had the greatest time playing and beating his dad on the XBox. Most important Gavin loved being the best big brother to Ethan, spending quality time with his family, friends and sweet
girlfriend Hannah. A remarkable young man with the brightest future and we are all at such a loss. The family is asking for donations to cover the cost of funeral expenses since they did not have life insurance. We are so very grateful for the support, phone calls and any contributions during this difficult time.