Gena NEEDS a Car after being Carjacked @ GUNPOINT
Donation protected
Hey all! My name is Aury Moore and I am asking for help for my dearest friend Gena Apo.
Many of you are aware of what happened to Gena but for those of you who are not, let me fill you in.
On January 18th, 2022, Gena went to McDonalds (on 5th AVE in Seattle) to get a quick meal and treat for her sweet dog and Service Animal, Ella.
After she went through the drive-thru and pulled over she was approached by a woman asking for directions to the Zoo. Gena spoke with her and began to give her directions. while doing so, a man came up the side of her car, pulled a gun on her and informed her that she was being carjacked. If you know Gena, you know she is a tough cookie. She gave him quite a fight, struggling trying to get the door closed as he tried to open it. He finally was able to pull her out of the car by pulling her hair and having the girl with him pull her hair as well. They preceded to beat the crap out of her with full on punches and kicks. Once other people in the area realized what was happening and tried to help, the couple hopped in her GMC Terrain and drove over the sidewalk to get on the road without being caught. They took off with her car, her wallet. phone, merchandise that she sells to make a living and most important of all, her precious dog Ella!
The good news is that many of YOU helped us spread the news and we were able to get Ella back, after many hours. She was dropped off in the U-District and through the wonders of social media and all of YOU amazing people, Ella was returned to Gena the next morning. Sadly, the story on her car is not as good. There were many sightings of the car (I even saw it after dropping off a coworker to her house and reported the sighting) In the end, the car was involved in a high-speed chase and as a result, it has been totaled. Insurance isn't able to cover the cost to get a new vehicle. There is no new news as to where the suspects are of even if they were caught.
Gena makes her living by vending at flea markets, selling handmade items. In order to get to these Flea Markets, Gena has to travel a span of 60 miles one way. She cannot do that right now because she doesn't have a car. She is not looking to get one as nice as her GMC Terrain. She just needs something dependable to get her to and from.
This whole event was horrific. I was terrified when I first heard the news. Luckily her injuries were not as bad as expected and luckily Ella was returned but... the girl has got to be able to pay her bills and without transportation, she is screwed.
Gena has been in my life for 31 years! She has been there for me in my darkest days. She was there for Eddie and me when Eddie's son Alex passed, when my Mom died, when I had a horrific case of COVID-19. She herself has struggled with health issues but this never stops her from helping those around her. I could go on and on. She is one of the first to step up when other people are in need and rarely does she ever ask for anything when she is in need. She always just finds a way, but this time is a bit tougher. She needs our help. She isn't asking for much. Just enough to get a car to get her to and from.
Please help me help Gena. If you can throw a few bucks her way, it will be greatly appreciated. If you can share this campaign, again, greatly appreciated. I just want to help my dear friend... my sister, Gena. Please please... help!
Gena Apo
Seattle, WA