Geologic Maps Foundation Fund Raiser 22-23
Tax deductible
We are raising money at the end of 2022 to benefit the Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc. (GMF). A donation will help make an impact. End of 2022 donations will support our operational costs at the end of 2022 and going forward in 2023. We have no employees (it's an all-volunteer effort) and all donations support running the Geo-hikes events (https://www.meetup.com/Geo-hikes/), our outdoors & geologic educational efforts (map and compass courses, basic geologic field methods, field trips, and our K-12 map literacy project), our preservation efforts of difficult-to-find, unpublished, and out-of-print geologic maps to our web page for all to access, and informing the public and policy-makers about energy issues and the important role of geology in energy through scientific publications and articles. Check out the Meetup link to see all the great Geo-hikes we ran in 2022 and what we have planned so far for 2023 (click on the events tab and choose past or upcoming).
In 2022 we’ve added a substack.com newsletter describing some of our Geo-hikes with short videos and occasional articles on energy issues. The newsletter is free and can be reached here: https://tdavisgeo.substack.com/
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us. More information about Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc. at:
Thomas Davis
Ventura, CA
Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc.