Geshe Wangyal. With blessing of the three jewels
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Ella Manzheeva. I am the director of a documentary film about Geshe Wangyal.
“Geshe Wangyal. With Blessing of the Three Jewels" is a dramatic story about the incredible earthly and spiritual journey of a Buddhist monk from Russia, who became one of the first preachers of Tibetan Buddhism in the United States. In 1923, as a young man, he left his home and spent over 30 years in Tibet and India, attaining the Buddhist degree of Geshe. He was a friend of the Dalai Lama and taught at Columbia University, dedicated his life to putting the Buddha's teachings into practice, and trained many talented students, increasing interest in Buddhism in the West.
I was working on this film during last 5 years. Me and my team were working as volunteers, the work itself was considered to be an offering to the precious Teacher.
At this stage we need help to clear the copyright of the materials, used in the film (New York Times, Time etc.)
The cost of the copyright is 12 000$, this amount will cover the necessary expenses and will allow us to present the film to broad public audience.
I would be immensely grateful for your support and would be glad to share the private link to the film.
During the shooting process we accumulated vast archive material devoted to Geshe Wangyal. 40 hours of video material, 200 pages of transcribed interviews with Bagshi’s disciples, those who were part of his story including the interview with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
If we are able to raise more funds we would start to work with this archive in order to publish it as a book in the future.
Thank you very much for your time. We will be happy and grateful for any kind of support.
With blessing of the three jewels
Ella Manzheeva
Ella Manzheeva
Paris, A8