Fix the pump Restore 24 Hour gas in Cecilville
Donation protected
If you were inspired by what you’ve seen happening in Cecilville, we’d like to ask you to help our small community. The Cecilville Station is a vital emergency resource in our remote location for all tourists, travelers, motorcyclists, and locals alike. We do not profit off the station due to initial costs, annual county and state inspections, fees, permits, insurance, high cost of fuel delivery, and our relatively low volume, yet it is an essential piece of infrastructure. However, due to mechanical failure and regulatory requirements to update the pump with a chip reader, we currently do not have gas available for credit card swipe unless we are there to sell it. If we upgrade the pump we also have to upgrade our whole POS because our old system is not compatible with the new software for the pump. The cost to upgrade the pump and POS system is $48,000. Please help us make gas available by credit or debit card 24/7 again.
Thank you kindly,
Monk and Allegra and all the Cecilville community
Allegra Brucker
Forks of Salmon, CA