Get passport with my correct gender
Thank you so much for all your help.
After a few more complications, and with the crowed funding help
(without which it would not be possible!) was able to get a plane
ticket to Israel and with that a new Israeli passport. (ok a few more
complications where there as well) and now with a scan of that via
email to the UK home office hopefully will get my UK passport. Also
hopefully will get it in time for my flight to Israel next week (the
18.12). it's a tight time line but hopefully possible.
Thank you so much everyone
Merry happy everything.
Yishay Garbasz is a Berlin-based fierce femme and activist, artist and photographer, and she is Germany’s first trans woman triathlete. In a recent work (pictured in the magazine spread here), Garbasz branded her own arm with her mother’s Auschwitz number and documented the healing process of the brand. Unfortunately, Yisha has been systematically excluded from the international art community, due to her radical positions on inclusion, non-exploitation, and parity for trans artists.
In recent months, trans-exclusionary immigration policies have created a dire legal situation which threatens Yisha's survival. Germany and the UK have refused to recognize Yisha's legal status, due to Israel not issuing a passport with her correct gender marker. Yisha now lacks valid ID documents and is effectively a refugee in Berlin, where her mother was a refugee as well.
After Yisha's story was covered in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz , the Israeli government agreed to issue a passport with her correct gender affirmed. However, Yisha must travel to Israel in person to obtain this document - and even though the UK Home Office has previously issued her a passport with the 'female' gender category, in a new trans-exclusionary policy, they refuse to renew it until she has an Israeli passport marked 'female'.
Yisha hopes to travel in December, as soon as possible, to receive the necessary documents to let her stay in her home in Berlin, where she has lived and worked for a decade. This fundraiser is to support her travel costs in doing so.
Estimated costs:
€350 flight +
€80 passport +
€320 accommodation & food
Please support Yisha as she fights for legal immigration status in the face of transphobic discrimination!