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Let's get Scrappy Felicia Ford HOME!

Don protégé
Russ has decided he would love to take Scrappy Felicia home to the UK! She's the happiness manageress and brings joy to everyone each day on this dusty site!

Felicia will be living with Linda in Derby along with two really friendly Australian labradoodles Manny and Sydney her new siblings who are awaiting her arrival

Please follow MannyandSydney on Instagram where you can follow her journey home

We would love for you all to kindly chip in to the cost of getting her home safely!


Je soutiens


  • Christina mccormack-sharp
    • 20 £
    • 11 mois
  • Emma Ibbertson
    • 10 £
    • 11 mois
  • R Topham
    • 10 £
    • 11 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 5 £
    • 11 mois
  • Rachel Henderson
    • 10 £
    • 11 mois
Je soutiens


Russel Ford

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